Hello from Jane and Lino
With all that is happening in the world today, it might seem inappropriate to focus on our own health, happiness, and fulfillment. However, World Peace actually begins within each of us. Our personal wellness strengthens the wellbeing of our whole planet.
While our hearts and support go out to the many who are suffering, it is also important to care daily for ourselves and our families as we learn about and work to prevent illnesses. In this issue you can “Bone Up” on vital ways to build and protect your skeletal system naturally and powerfully!
Wishing a Spring of Peace and Wellness to you and Your Family, to our Country and our World ~ Jane and Lino Stanchich
- Bone Deep: Preventing Arthritis
- How Jane Conquered Osteo-Arthritis
- Foods and Lifestyle to Build Strong Bones
- Plant-based Calcium Sources
- Yummy Bone-Strengthening Recipes
- Overcoming Osteo-Arthritis Program
- Self-Massge Acupressure Point - Kidney #1
- Healing Yoga Poses
Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United States. Almost 1 in 4 US adults (23.7%) or about 60 million people have doctor-diagnosed arthritis. It is a leading cause of work disability, with annual costs for medical care and lost earnings of $303.5 Billion. Can we afford this as a nation?
Nearly 60% of the patients with arthritis are women. While arthritis affects people of all ages, the likelihood of developing it increases with age. By age 65, nearly half of the senior population has arthritis, the most common form being Osteo-Arthritis.
CDC National Arthritis Data Statistics
OSTEO-ARTHRITIS In this newsletter we focus on preventing and healing the most prevalent arthritis in the United States: OSTEO-ARTHRITIS. From athletes to grandparents, young mothers to students, to career women, that searing pain we feel as we move our joints of the knees, hips, hands, spine, or feet is “BONE DEEP!” And often preventable! Discover the causes of this prevalent disorder and how our kidneys play a key role in bone and joint health.
Joint replacement surgeries can be miraculous, however, let's examine the common causes of Osteo-arthritis (OA) because, "An ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure." And understanding the cause is KEY.
Atop our bone-joints is a hard, firm coating called cartilage, which acts as a shock absorber protecting our bones. An improper diet and poor nutrient absorption cause this cartilage to dissolve, creating bone-on-bone pain. The shock absorbers are then missing! Most research literature fails to mention dietary causes, however.
Let us save ourselves the pain, expense, and the inevitable risks of falls that may result from OA and lead to lifelong disability. Learn to keep your bones and joints stronger and more flexible through diet and lifestyle. Small changes will make a huge difference for OA! Diet doesmake a difference!
As Licensed Nutritionists, we offer individual and personalized guidance and support. If that is what you want and need, take advantage of the opportunity to fortify your bones and joints and reduce/eliminate pain. Healthier changes are amazingly simple and will allow you to stay more active, healthy, and happy your whole life!
*Healthline - Reviewed by Dr. C. Tifford, MD 2020
Read about our OA Program of Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle, Education, and Support in this newsletter.
The blue skies, crisp air and magnificent mountains of Colorado beckoned this North Carolina woman, so in 1980, I resigned from my public school teaching job, packed my hiking boots and down coat and flew off to Denver, Colorado. I was ready for some fresh air and fresh insights. I found it in Boulder, one of the most beautiful, holistic, and friendly cities in America. The clear mountain view refreshed my mind and energized my spirit.
A real "Health Nut," I did all the "right" things for my body...(or so I thought). I ate lots of vegetarian foods: salads, cheese, yogurt, eggs, fruits, and swallowed great quantities of vitamin pills, washed down with huge glasses of fruit juices and distilled water. I hiked in the hills and trails of Boulder. My spirits were high and life was good, except for one thing. With all my "right" way of living, I began to develop very painful arthritis.
The heels of my feet hurt terribly, my hips creaked, my knees knocked, my hands ached. This young, free-spirited woman began to hobble around feeling debilitated and frightened that it would only get worse. "That's what happens as we get older." Right? Wrong! This southern rebel was not about to let the pain continue. Not if she could help it. I began to desperately search for ways to help myself.
I scoured nutrition books, medical reports, and health magazines. I tried supplements, hoping that a magical pill would remove the pain in my joints. I visited an orthopedic physician who wrote a prescription for cortisone steroids. I went directly to a library and looked up the drug in the PDR (Physicians Desk Reference.) The side effects of the drug, worse than arthritis, filled many pages of the book. I knew I had to find the cause of my joint pain and stop the cause!
Read more about Jane’s successful journey to the pain-free, drug-free life she has enjoyed for decades now… here >
CARLY SIMON LIVE A classic anthem for conquering all types of pain: “I Haven’t Got Time for the Pain”
“If I Don't Eat Dairy, Where Will I Get My Calcium??!!” Jane and Lino Stanchich, Licensed Nutritionists
*U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Recommended Daily Allowances of Calcium: Females: 1,200 mg/day Males: 1000 mg/day W.H.O. recommends 500 mg/day of calcium.
Cold food and beverages chill the whole body and can cause bone and joint pain. Frozen desserts are in this category. Eating or drinking cold or iced beverages and foods is a severely harmful habit. Stopping this habit can make all the difference in your stiffness and pain! In restaurants, servers immediately bring iced water. Drinking this cold water, (often chlorinated tap water,) chills your stomach and interferes with the flow of digestive enzymes. Instead, ask for a glass of room temperature, filtered, or spring water or even better, a pot of hot water with lemon. Drink it warm or let it come to room temperature. Boiled water is delicious and relaxes the stomach to prepare for optimum digestion to prevent acid-reflux, bloating, and indigestion. Pre-boiling also destroys bacteria. We pre-boil all our water. Let us know how this one major tip works for you!
Called a “neuro-toxin” by experts, this chemicalized, addictive, highly acidic food leeches minerals out of your bones and erodes the cartilage on your joints. Sugar is directly related to blood sugar imbalances. Today, the average American consumes almost 152 pounds of sugar in one year. This is equal to 3 pounds (or 6 cups) of sugar consumed in one week! No wonder our diabetes rates are so high. Read labels! Enjoy naturally sweet vegetables, as well as fresh and dried fruits. Use whole, natural sweeteners and cease the refined/cane/brown sugars and artificial chemical sweeteners.
Western cultures overdo their consumption of extreme foods such as meat and sugar! For decades, science has reported that consumption of excess protein pulls calcium from the bones. Highly acidic animal foods contain cholesterol and zero fiber. Most commercial animal products contain hormones and anti-biotics, related to the development of innumerable health disorders. Meat affects our estrogen, vital for healthy bones. For many, dairy increases mucus in the lungs. Farm animals are inhumanely treated and raising them creates the #1 cause of environmental pollution and de-forestation. A plant-based diet provides ample nutrients and a more ecological world.
Numerous scientists and studies have noted that around 40% (almost half!) of people are allergic to these “nightshade vegetables” that contain the substances alkaloids and solanine. These veggies, plus the nightshades eggplant and all peppers leech minerals out of the bones. If you have stiff or painful joints and are eating these extremely popular foods, simply omit them from your diet and note changes in your joints. No food is worth suffering pain! According to experts, you will very likely note an improvement in joint comfort after a month of no nightshades. Try it!
5. CERTAIN BEVERAGES: Soda, Sugared Sports Drinks, Excess Fruit Juices, Caffeine, Alcohol
To help prevent and reverse joint and bone pain, limit or omit consumption of these very very popular beverages. Read labels as many contain harmful refined sugar, coloring, and chemicals. Drinking them can leech minerals from the skeletal system, leaving bones weak, porous, and vulnerable to “bone-on-bone” pain in the joints. Unhealthy beverages can cause spinal vertebrae to degenerate and collapse. Carbonated sodas also contain phosphoric acid that can dissolve bones and cartilage. Fruit juices are made of concentrated fruit sugars. Coffee is acidic and acid blood causes the leeching of minerals from bones. Alcohol has severe risks, among them addiction, as well as physical and emotional harm for the individual and their family.
TOP FIVE LIFESTYLE PRACTICES for STRONG BONES Among the many important daily lifestyle practices to build bones are: 1. Get at least 30 minutes of sunshine a day for vitamin D. (Avoid strong sun between 11 am and 3 pm.) The fresh air is key for improved wellness also! 2. Walk daily, as possible, move, dance, rebound, swim, garden, or practice yoga. Get instruction in-person or online. Go at your own safe pace. 3. Get adequate sleep to rebuild bone structure. Aim for 7-9 hours sleep per 24 hours. 4. Stay warm! The kidneys and bones dislike cold. Wear warm clothes day and night as needed. Avoid cold air conditioning. Try a sauna or brief warm salted bath during which you scrub/massage your whole body. Sleep under warm covers and avoid getting chilled. 5. Cultivate a mindset of positivity, gratitude, humor, forgiveness, and enjoyment of life. A positive outlook is proven scientifically to build greater immunity and T-Cells. |
The kidneys are known as the “Seat of Chi Energy” in the body. They control the health of our bones, bladder, reproductive organs, fertility, virility, hearing, confidence/fear, and much more. It is highly beneficial to learn how to fortify your kidneys and their partner the bladder as Lino's great-selling book teaches in detail.
Discover how to help heal embarrassing incontinence and excessive urination. Build stronger bones and joints with a more alkaline, strengthening diet that is high in bone-building minerals, fiber, and healthful complex carbohydrates. Lino describes the science, wellness methods, and home remedies in specific detail, while Jane’s presents delicious recipes of whole plant-based foods.
Do you have bone and joint pain, especially when getting out of a chair or walking stairs? Are you exhausted because wake up repeatedly during the night to visit the bathroom? Do the simple acts of laughing or coughing cause you to accidentally urinate?
Discover which common foods and beverages may be harming your kidneys, bladder, and your whole body. The information in this invaluable book will help you strengthen your kidneys and bladder which may thus improve your sex life, virility, and fertility, (Print and Digital versions are available.)
WIN a copy of Lino’s ebook on KIDNEY-BLADDER HEALTH! Email your favorite recipe prepared with one of these kidney-strengthening foods: Greens, Beans, or Sea Vegetables. We will choose and publish the winner! There are a lot of good cooks out there. Send the recipe to:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Make the Subject line: KIDNEY RECIPE CONTEST.
1. DARK LEAFY GREENS: These are high in vitamins A, K, B6 and C, calcium, potassium, copper and manganese; also high in fiber, folate and Alpha-linolenic acid, (an Omega-3 fatty acid.) The nutrients in cooked greens are more easily absorbed and often preferred to raw, especially for the thyroid.
2. BEANS: According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, beans are one of the most effective kidney revitalizers. They are high in healthy protein, (as much as meat!) fiber, folate, iron, potassium and magnesium, while containing little or no total fat, trans-fat, sodium or cholesterol. We recommend adding kombu when you begin to cook the beans and then adding the sea salt towards the end and allowing the salt to cook in for 15 minutes. Adding garlic, turmeric, and ginger enhances certain beans and provide anti-inflammatory properties. Omit any that do not suit you. Detailed instructions for preparing dried beans are in the following recipe. Canned beans can be a convenient option also.
3. SEA VEGETABLES: These are excellent sources of micronutrients including folate, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, collagen, and selenium to help build bones and keep skin youthful. More importantly, seaweed is a great source of iodine and omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. Studies have shown sea vegetables may aid in cancer recovery. They also can be balancing for the thyroid (Mayo Clinic.)
Ways to prepare high mineral sea vegetables:
- Wakame in soups and salads
- Kombu in beans and vegetables
- Nori in sushi/grain rolls and snacks
- Arame in salads and sautés
- Dulse flakes on salads and grains
- Agar in desserts and thickeners
Sea Salt, Miso, Tamari, Umeboshi, and Sweetener-Free Pickles, as well as other fermented salt seasonings and condiments are excellent for the Kidneys and Bladder also. Use in moderation! |
We recommend that you consult a nutritionist, macrobiotic counselor, and your health professional regarding any dietary questions or changes, especially if you are on medication. |
KIDNEY #1 Acupressure-Acupuncture Point
The feet are vitally important to our health. This Kidney #1 Pressure point on the top-center of your foot's sole, as illustrated, is important to massage daily. The kidney meridian continues up and around the ankles, influencing ankle strength.
• Give yourself a foot massage as you watch a movie, while in the bath, or anytime! • Before bed, soak your feet in a small tub of warm water with a handful of Epsom or sea salt. Rinse and dry feet. Improves sleep! • Keep your feet warm. Wear socks to avoid having cold feet. • Wear shoes that are well suited for you, your instep, and arch. • In warm weather, walk outdoors in the grass or on a beach.
As a yoga instructor, Jane has a deep respect for Hatha Yoga. Lino takes a V.A. yoga class online each week with a Desert Storm veteran, Pete.
There are innumerable yoga poses that improve kidney-bladder health, posture, and strengthen the lower back and spine. Below are two highly beneficial postures/asanas. These also open the chest and lungs. After practicing these two asanas, the Child’s Pose will feel very balancing and soothing.
1. SPHINX POSE Salamba Bhujangasana
2. COBRA POSE Bhujangasana
Get expert yoga instruction and move slowly to start. Beginners: Find a Gentle Yoga Class. Practice very slowly, breathing deeply. Get proper instruction. Consult your wellness professional/therapist if you have health issues.
My mother, a talented, traditional southern cook, frequently made a “mess of greens,” a large stew of collard greens seasoned with fat and salt and simmered for hours. The recipe below is cooked a shorter time than Mom cooked, yet evokes that same delicious, savory southern flavor using sautéed onions, roasted sesame oil, ume vinegar, and tart vinegar. The oil and vinegars aid in the absorption of minerals, particularity calcium, for strong bones. Delicious with corn bread, brown rice, pinto beans, and sliced red onions!
Michio Kushi, famed macrobiotic educator and food expert recommends this method of cooking greens to strengthen and revitalize the kidneys and bones.
OPTIONS: For variety, choose kale, collards, turnip greens, broccoli, broccoli rabe, or one of the numerous Asian greens such as Bok Choy. Adding some daikon greens, red radish leaves, or arugula are delicious options.
- 1 leek, whole, washed well or onion, peeled; thinly sliced
- 1 bunch greens, (about 4-6 cups raw,) washed well
- 1 teaspoon roasted sesame oil
- 2 teaspoons olive oil
- 1 teaspoon umeboshi vinegar
- 1 cup water
- 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar or rice vinegar
1. Wash the leek/onion and greens very well, submerging the greens under water and rinsing all the surfaces to remove any garden soil and grit.
2. Remove green stems and slice thinly. (Peel upper broccoli stems/discard any hard stems.) Slice greens neatly into bite-sized pieces.
3. Heat oils in a large pot or skillet, on medium-low heat. (Do not let oil smoke.)
4. Place the leek/onion in the skillet and sauté on medium low heat for 3 minutes until light brown.
5. Add green stems and sauté for 5 minutes.
6. Add greens and sauté for 5 minutes.
7. Add umeboshi vinegar, stir again.
8. Add water, cover the pot and bring to a boil; reduce heat, and simmer on low for 6 - 8 more minutes or until the greens are tender to taste. Stir well.
9. Place in serving bowl and sprinkle with balsamic or rice vinegar. Combine well. Enjoy.
OPTIONS: Add mushrooms or colorful sliced vegetables to cook with the greens.
* “MESS” is a British - Elizabethan word transported to America in the 1700’s. It means, “a lot”
RAW OR COOKED GREENS? There is a debate about raw vs. cooked greens. Both have their benefits, but it is agreed that greens cooked with oil and a Vitamin C garnish such as citrus or parsley, are better absorbed and affect the thyroid positively. In our home, we generally lightly boil our greens, but occasionally opt for a more tender, flavorful, warming, and fortifying preparation as in this recipe.
CONVENIENCE PACKAGING: Organic greens are now sold pre-washed, cut, and packaged. We have tried them and find most quite clean and tender. The best quality to use, however, is local and organic. Wash and cook greens carefully. May you find tender, fresh greens to enjoy daily, even every meal!
Beans are a staple the world over! The Italians love their beans, “Legumi,” very much! Cannellini beans are a delicious favorite served in Italian and American soups, main dishes, and salads. Providing excellent healthy, non-cholesterol protein, beans are known to instill strength that fortifies the kidneys, thus the bones. Beans must be salted for proper digestion. This bean salad recipe is good for warmer weather. (If the weather is cold, serve the dish warm, as a stew with its cooking liquid*.)
- 1 cup cannellini beans, dry (Canned may be used. See below)
- 3 cups water to soak
- 1 two-inch stick kombu sea vegetable, rinsed
- 1 medium yellow onion, diced
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 teaspoon sea salt
- 2 Tablespoons olive oil
- 1 Tablespoon Balsamic or rice vinegar
- 4 red radishes, sliced thinly
- 3 scallions, sliced in thin circles
- 1/2 cup Italian flat-leaf parsley or cilantro, minced
1. Sort beans and discard broken or discolored beans and any stones.
2. Wash the beans three times. Place beans in large pot with 3 cups water and let them soak overnight.
3. Discard soak water (use in the garden) and replace with 3 cups fresh water.
4. Bring the pot to a boil and skim/discard any foam.
5. Add the kombu, onion, and bay leaves.
BOILING METHOD: Boil beans on high at first, then reduce to low, cook for 1 hour or until tender, checking every 15 minutes to be sure that the water level is to the top of beans.
PRESSURE COOKING METHOD: Bring to pressure on medium high. Reduce heat to low, keeping pressure going. Pressure cook for 20 minutes; release pressure. (You may run cool water down the side of the pot to release pressure.) Open pressure cooker. If beans are not tender, continue boiling on medium low heat with water to cover, until tender. When boiling, check beans every 15 minutes to be sure they have water to cover or else they might burn.
6. When beans are tender, add sea salt, stir and simmer for 15 minutes.
7. Remove bay leaves.
8. Strain off cooking liquid to save for soup.
9. Drizzle olive oil on beans and gently stir. Let cool.
10. When cool, carefully stir in vinegar, radishes, scallions, and parsley. Serve at room temperature.
1. * We adjust cooking methods and temperatures of food to balance the weather and personal needs. (Cooler is yin and warmer is yang.)
2. Canned organic cannellini beans may be used. (Strain liquid to use in soup later.) Rinse for the salad.
3. Refrigerate leftovers but serve re-heated or room temperature.
ARAME SEA VEGETABLE SALAD © Jane Quincannon Stanchich
Arame sea vegetables are tender, easy to prepare, and delicious! As with all brown sea vegetables, they are filled with minerals for vitality and optimum health of bones, joints, and nerves. High in collagen, sea vegetables also keep skin more youthful. Arame is also good to help balance blood sugar levels. Enjoy this bright, beautiful salad any time of the year. Each day, you could add a tablespoon of this arame salad to a meal.
- 1/2 cup dry arame
- 1 cup water
- 2 teaspoons tamari
- 1 teaspoon dark sesame oil Optional: Light sesame oil or olive oil
- 1 yellow onion, thinly sliced
- 1/2 cup carrots, julienne sliced (thin matchsticks)
- 1 teaspoon umeboshi vinegar
- 1 Tablespoon brown rice vinegar
- 2 teaspoons orange rind zest
- 1/4 cup fresh orange juice
- 2 cups fresh baby lettuce salad mix, rinsed well
- 2 Tablespoons toasted sesame seeds
- 2 - 4 thin slices of orange
1. Rinse the arame well and drain in colander. 2. Place rinsed sea vegetables in a pot with water and tamari. 3. Simmer uncovered for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until water is absorbed. Place in a mixing bowl. 4. Warm the oil and sauté the onion and carrots until tender; place in the bowl with the arame. 5. Mix in the remaining ingredients (except seeds and lettuce.) Adjust flavors to suit your taste. 6. Ready to eat: In warm weather, you may cover and chill slightly in the refrigerator. 7. Serve arame atop baby salad mix or arugula. Garnish with sesame seeds and thin slices of orange or lemon.
NOTE: Adding raw vitamin-rich citrus (orange or lemon) juice or zest as a garnish to sea vegetables enables the iron in the sea vegetable to be absorbed. (Iron requires Vitamin C to be absorbed.) Citrus also adds a lovely contrasting color to the darker dish.
OPTION: Add sweet and colorful corn kernels to the sauté. Substitute thinly sliced raw scallions for yellow onions.
OSTEO-ARTHRITIS HEALING PROGRAM Includes: Expert Counseling, Guidance, and Support
This exciting and effective program will help you understand, overcome, or better manage OSTEO-ARTHRITIS (OA.)
Jane and Lino Stanchich, Licensed Nutritionists, Authors, Certified Chefs, and Award-Winning Macrobiotic Senior Educators
"Our Goal is for you to feel well, move freely, be pain-free, and live your best life!"
• A Private Personalized Consultation on Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations for OA
• A Beginner’s Manual and Detailed Dietary Check List
• A Cooking Course including a Comprehensive E-Cookbook and Jane’s full-color Cooking Digital Video
• Ongoing Support Materials and Literature
• Daily Journaling with Evaluations and Guidance
• Weekly Check-Ins for Guidance and Questions
Phone 828-299-8657
Join us at 7:00 pm each evening for candlelight meditation and prayers for peace and harmony in the world.
In challenging times, Americans often join together to help one another. Some of our friends are taking in Ukrainian families. Others help Afghan refugees, or teach healing cooking classes, work as First Responders and in hospitals, or grow life-giving plants, while others gather clothing to share with refugees and the needy. Thank you all. Let us join together from our hearts, over the miles, to cultivate hope, love, and peace to help conquer discord and disharmony. |
UPCOMING GREAT LIFE GLOBAL TOPICS Educational • Beneficial • Inspiring
The Vital Importance of Sea Salt and Its Uses The Joys and Benefits of Gardening ~ What is Your Gardening Zone? ~ Raised Beds or In-Ground Plots? ~ Teaching Children to Love Gardening Vinegar: Natural Pest Control and Cleanser National Parks Travel Tips - Great Guides and Resources Cleansing Our Body and Our Home Forest Bathing - Healing Times Being with the Trees Savoring Seeds: Small, Powerful, Yummy! Sesame, Pumpkin, Sunflower, Chia Daikon Radish: Great for Your Liver and Gall Bladder
______________________________________________________ Deepest Gratitude to Leslie Simon for her editing expertise and Debi Athos for her incredible technical skills, patience, and to both for their valued friendship. |
GREAT LIFE GLOBAL Jane and Lino Stanchich, Licensed Nutritionists and Certified Macrobiotic Counselors and Educators, are available for professional, personalized counseling for individuals, couples, and families...even pets. We provide expert online dietary educational guidance for disease prevention and weight loss, as well as revitalizing exercise recommendations. A four-page Detailed Dietary and Exercise Guideline, our unique Macrobiotic Beginners Manual, books, sea salt, and personalized phone/internet follow-up support are invaluable keystones of our highly effective individualized counseling programs. Contact us at 828-299-8657 and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |