In this Solstice and Father's Day Newsletter:
• Honoring Male/Yang Energy on Fathers Day • Overcoming Male-Prostate Cancer: A Montauk Macro Man • Celebrating "Here Comes the Sun" A Beloved Beatles Song • Building Family Health and Strength • Macrobiotic Teachings with Michio Kushi • Healthy & Delicious Recipes: • Pumpkin Seed Dressing/Pesto for Virility • Summer Garden Miso Soup for Vitality • Sheri DeMaris and “The Spirit of Rice” Documentary
Solstice and Fathers Day fall on the same day this year! The sun, with its legendary yang energy, the giver of light and life, shines down on us on the longest day of the year. Let’s embrace the sun’s energy, absorb it, play in it, honor it. Our gratitude to the cycles of the seasons, the gift of summer, and the warm love that male/yang father energy can give to the family.
"Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles Little Darling, listen to this beloved Beatles song on Abbey Road, written by George Harrison. Watch the Beatles recording and romping as you hear a tune whose positive message is especially meaningful now as we carefully venture out and back together this summer. Here comes the sun! I say, it’s all right! CLICK HERE TO WATCH >
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! JUNE 20, 2021 Nurturing and Respecting the Men in Our Lives
Here’s to all the Dads worldwide who have loved and cared for their children throughout their lives, especially during these homebound and isolated times. Not so long ago, and with noted exceptions, childcare was mainly in the hands and hearts of women. Times have now evolved tremendously as gender roles change and blend. Blessed is the child who has a close, loving, and wise father/father figure in their life.
Too many men have endured horrific hardships. They have survived the abuse of bullies, fought with fists to defend themselves, been berated for their emotions, forced into war to conquer and kill. Many men have had tough times, experiencing the worst of human existence… in hellish war and street violence, in civil injustice and poverty. Men were and are brave, yes, but too often suffer in private. Military PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and mental illness are rampant. Men, too, need nurturing, deep healing, and understanding.
Let us honor healthy yang male energy, which is now often balanced with the more yin energy of patience, empathy, and compassion…the qualities of a loving father/father figure. We need and have both yang and yin energies, to varying degrees. In our communities and families, let us support each other, honor others’ cultures, eat healthy whole food together, and help heal and balance each other. May we together seek family and national health and peace.
LEARN more about yin and yang energies in upcoming articles! WRITE an essay or story of your father and his influence on you. Email it to us for a future newsletter:
Ken Walles, a New York businessman, now from Montauk, NY and Naples, FL, was diagnosed with prostate cancer March 2004. Exploring all his options, he then began an intensive study and practice of the plant-based macrobiotic diet and lifestyle program, that, as he says, offered him “New Hope.”
Very articulate, knowledgeable, and personable, Ken is dedicated to sharing information about the healthy whole foods macrobiotic diet and lifestyle. He tells us in the enclosed video, that beginning this healing program took away his fear.
We were privileged to visit Ken at his hotel on the beach in beautiful Montauk some years ago, where we taught macrobiotic principles and cooking to a large community of Ken’s friends. Lino offered macrobiotic counseling as well. We recall a great macro potluck party held on the grassy grounds next to the ocean.
Today, Ken is cancer-free and is on a mission to share his enthusiasm about macrobiotics with as many people as possible. He wants to help America turn to greater wellness through cancer prevention and healthy dietary and lifestyle choices.
Watch and share his terrific video, “Macro in Montauk,” as Ken clearly describes his personal healing journey and quest for a healthier America. Ken has a lovely companion, Bozena, who sells organic vegan ice cream and more at The Pink Frog Cafe in Montauk. Along with a Border Collie named “Macro,” they love to walk on the beach together. Thank you Ken! Watch Ken’s video here >
Aside from non-melanoma skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the United States. It is also one of the leading causes of cancer death among men of all races and Hispanic origin populations. (US Center for Disease Control)
The American Cancer Society’s estimates for prostate cancer in the United States for 2021 are:
About 248,530 new cases of prostate cancer
About 34,130 deaths from prostate cancer
Risk of prostate cancer:
About 1 man in 8 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime.
Prostate cancer is more likely to develop in older men and in non-Hispanic Black men. About 6 cases in 10 are diagnosed in men who are 65 or older, and it is rare in men under 40. The average age of men at diagnosis is about 66. (American Cancer Society)
While it is essential to seek expert professional medical care and utilize a variety of natural treatments, changing one’s diet is crucial. Adopting a plant-based (rather than animal food-based) diet is vital. Do your research of respected medical and scientific studies on the effects of common foods on cancer. Many cancers are preventable and even reversible with proper diet and lifestyle, along with professional care and counseling.
If we can help with research, literature, references, professional guidance, and free materials, please contact us: Jane and Lino Stanchich, Licensed Nutritionists:
Strong and healthy families are the foundation of a healthy and prosperous society. When a family is strong, society is strong. The best traditional method is the common practice of gathering the family together to eat meals that are prepared according to natural order and in a loving spirit. Naturally, as the family eats the same food together a similar quality of blood, and consequently thinking, develops.
These qualities develop quite naturally when we eat a well-balanced whole foods diet. Over time, the family becomes one, with all members sharing the same dream and destiny in life. If we are to continue on this planet in an age of nuclear weapons and biological degeneration, the separation, conflict, and isolation must be transformed into unity, harmony, and cooperation. Family health is the key to world peace.
–Michio Kushi with Alex Jack, One Peaceful World
How have local macrobiotic teachers used their pandemic time positively?
For me, the year of 2020 has been about slowing down, finding pleasure in the small wonders of life, doing less and experiencing more. I’m grateful for the Internet so that I can use Zoom, Skype and FaceTime to keep connected with family, friends and clients. I’ve enjoyed staying in one place since I haven’t traveled like I typically would do. And I’ve especially enjoyed playing pickleball!
–Michael Rossoff
, Teacher, Healer, Acupuncturist,
Asheville, NC, is a wonderful place for staying at home a lot. Our yard - full of foliage, colorful flowers and herbs was at its most beautiful this past year. On short drives we see mountain views, layers of greens, blues and browns.
When I started macrobiotics I agreed to an experiment in adventure, discovery and personal change. The pandemic time is an opportunity to experiment and enjoy life in a different way, to explore our creativity and resourceful minds. I appreciate my many blessings. Our world is changing and we will change, too. Let’s encourage and support each other.
–Caren Bakkum,
Cooking Teacher & Assistant to Michael Rossoff
Pumpkin Seed Pesto and Dip
We really love this amazing, high nutrient blend of zinc-rich pumpkin seeds, great for all family members and especially good for male virility. Few foods have abundant zinc - these seeds do! Buy organic green raw pumpkin seeds for this satisfying and nutritious dip to drizzle on your grains, salads, or pasta. Toast extra to eat as a nutritious snack. Recipe here >
Summer Garden Miso Soup
Miso is a true power food with natural probiotics that have the ability to restore intestinal flora, thus overall wellness and vitality. I have created a delicious, sweet summer miso soup with fresh colorful vegetables filled with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Make it precisely to get the best results. I give you many yummy optional add-ins. Recipe here >
We are pleased to announce the winner of the GREAT LIFE GLOBAL Ecological Gardening Contest and winner of the legendary book, Silent Spring, by famed Rachel Carson.
Sheri, a longtime friend from PA, is a dedicated macrobiotic chef and teacher who presents weekly lectures on her TeawithSheri site. She is now producing a documentary film honoring organic brown rice! You take take part in the project! Read about it below.
Sheri holds newly harvested brown rice - The Elwell’s rice field in rural MA. |
THE SPIRIT of RICE Documentary You can be part of this special documentary film, “THE SPIRIT OF RICE,” which will tell the amazing story of the healing magic of rice. DIscover how Christian and Gaella Elwell, New England farmers and founders of the amazing South River Miso Company, are growing brown rice on their land! WATCH the trailer below.
Watch the trailer for the documentary on You Tube: “The Spirit of Rice: One Grain Ten Thousand Grains” here >
SUPPORT THE PROJECT! JOIN IN! Donations of any amount, for the SPIRIT OF RICE PROJECT are tax-deductible and may be made online or by check:
1. Rice Film Documentary - Go Fund Me > 2. Donation Checks: payable to “Planetary Health”. Mail to: Planetary Health, Box 487, Becket MA 01223. 3. ”Spirit of Rice" Facebook Page >
Exciting Topics and Recipes in Upcoming Newsletters:
• Foods for a Healthy Heart • Cultivating Joy in Life: Happiness is Healing • Scrumptious Summertime Recipes • Delicious Southern Cornbread • Creamy Golden...and Easy Italian Polenta • A Stupendous Fourth of July Picnic • More Great Book Reviews • Give Aways • Inspirational Music • Gotta Dance!
BE SURE TO ATTEND THE EXCELLENT ONLINE MACROBIOTIC SUMMER CONFERENCE - JULY 21-25, 2021. International teachers and exciting classes for natural wellness and joy of life.
As always, we want to thank Leslie Simon for her fine editing and advice and to Debi Athos for her expert skills with computer and graphics.
Jane and Lino Stanchich, Licensed Nutritionists and Certified Macrobiotic Counselors and Educators, are available for professional personalized counseling for individuals, couples, and families...even pets. We provide expert online dietary educational guidance for disease prevention and weight loss, as well as expert exercise recommendations. A four-page Detailed Dietary and Exercise Guideline, our unique Macrobiotic Beginners Manual, books, sea salt, and personalized phone/internet follow-up support are invaluable keystones of our highly effective individualized counseling programs. Contact us at 828-299-8657 and |