Seven Steps to Health Lino Stanchich, L.N., L.M.B.T.
1. LOOK! Take a good, clear look at yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Evaluate your stronger points and weaker points (we all have both!) The sages say, “Know thyself.” and “With knowledge is power.” These wise words solidify the first step towards positive change. How is your life working? How are your health, relationships, achievements, and your joy of life? Be honest, yet compassionate, and as objective as possible. This is a powerful beginning to a new and better life. Sad events and personal loses have occurred recently to us, as they do to all persons on Earth. If you are going through a tough time, make this a time to hold onto positive, hopeful strategies and look for the blessings in your life. Use your vast talents to help others and re-commit to being more kind and effective…to others and yourself!
2. LOVE! Love yourself, “warts and all.” So many of us are self-critical, remembering defeating words heard long ago. You have divine goodness and power within you. You are meant to be here and make your unique contribution to the world. Congratulate yourself for achieving what you have in this life. You are a much better a person that you think you are. Don’t be so hard on yourself. The world is challenging enough, so avoid giving yourself undo pressure or criticism. Be your own best friend, your own cheerleader in this exciting game of life. From a strong self-love radiates the essential emotion and commitment to propel us to do better, to seek inner peace, and choose ultimate health.
3. LAUGH! Find ways to laugh every day. Don’t be so serious. Chuckling is a choice. Laughter is the best medicine, lowering blood pressure, increasing immunity, and lubricating life with smiles rather than becoming tight and anxious with stress. Medical science calls laughter “ Internal Jogging.” Hunt for humor. Seek silliness. From the Bible to modern scientific reports, laughter is high on the list of powerful and positive health choices. Through all my life struggles, laughter literally got me through. Don’t wait for humor, look for it, create it. Your family and friends will love this most joyous gift of fun and frivolity. Truly, he/she who laughs, lasts.
4. LEARN! Learn what makes you tick. We all learn in different ways. Discover your best learning and listening style and use it. Learn new methods to cook, eat, and exercise in healthier ways. No-one can do this for you. Read stimulating books on ways to utilize natural foods, herbs, massage, and exercise to prevent illness and to become more strong and self-sufficient. Learn how to make healthier substitutions moving away from foods that harm to foods that heal. Study gardening. Research the side-effects of prescription medications. Learn about the delicious benefits of organic, whole foods, as well as the delights of natural sweeteners, non-dairy beverages, snacks and seasonings. Discover how your water, skin care and home products, EMF’s and lighting profoundly affect your daily well-being. Then make changes to support ecological, healthful living for yourself, your family, and your world.
5. LEAP! Go for it! Be courageous and bold. Go beyond the norm. Step out and live your dream. Develop a stronger body through movement - exercise that is both beneficial and fun. You’ll live longer and feel better, according to both ancient texts and recent studies. Shed addictions to junk foods and strengthen your commitment to eating the purest, most nutritious foods on the planet. Eating stronger “power” foods such as high fiber/mineral grains, beans, vegetables, and sea vegetables, along with seeds, and fresh fruits. Power foods such as miso, umeboshi, tamari, natto, and fermented pickles will help build your confidence and will power. Mentally, clear out some of those old stuck beliefs or memories that are holding you back with fear and insecurity. Go to a new level – to the next stage of full living that reveals your love of self, your environment, all of life. Move forward. It is a new day.
6. LEAD! Lead others and lend a hand, help out. Do you think, “They ought to do this or that” ? Then take charge. Be an example to your children, to your friends, family, and community. People will watch how you live, speak, eat, and behave. Get support from others. Each person has a profound influence on the world. If you are discouraged, why not stop whining and start winning…winning achievements of a greater personal and planetary health. If you want and need a support group, create it! If you want and need inspiration, inspire others. Rather than curse the darkness, be the one who lights the candle of hope and love. Self-responsibility is the basic foundation of a creative, fulfilling life. I wish to thank the many amazing people who courageously lead society as they work for beneficial change of our food supply, environment, and culture. We can each do something to make a vital difference in the world.
7. LIVE! Life is precious. As I write in my book, Power Eating Program, as a youth, I came close to losing my life many times in World War II. Experiencing and observing suffering frequently leads one to become more humble, sensitive, and appreciative. Thus suffering has the potential to lead us to greater joy of life. Survival from starvation developed in me a deep gratitude for each meal. As a result, I never waste a morsel of food. I also saw war as a sergeant serving with the U.S. Army in Korea. Let us work together to prevent war and suffering. If we spell the word “live” backwards, we get the world “evil.” To me, this is the very definition of evil: To go against health and ecology, to promote illness for profit, to wage unnecessary war. Let us seek and achieve personal and planetary health and peace. Have courage. Look, Laugh, Love, Learn, Leap, Lead, and Live! Enjoy a fulfilling and happy life!