Hello from Jane and Lino 

America is a “Melting Pot," with a multitude of races, religions, and cultures. We celebrate this diversity, recognizing that each person has great value and contributes to the country. The American Family is evolving, its laws are changing, yet, there is much effort needed fulfill the original promise of working "towards a more perfect union." Union is the key word here. Our motto in the USA is E Pluribus Unum. "FROM MANY, ONE." We are all in this together. It is not easy, but hard work will create a healthier, united country.

In this newsletter we celebrate our country but also grieve with those suffering injustice, environmental disasters, traumas of illness, pain, and loss. We honor military and service workers. In this newsletter, we bring you the inspiring words of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Chief Joseph, Fredrick Douglass, Rosa Parks and music by Celine Dion, as well as a breathtaking video with quotes by Native Americans, Presidents, Civil Rights Leaders. 

Here is an inspiring song and video of our beautiful United States with quotes from notable Americans. Click here 
As a young boy in war-ravaged post World War II Yugoslavia (formerly Italy, near Venice,) I survived communist brutality and oppression. My family was severely persecuted because we would not join the communist party. Under their rule, I was not allowed to attend university, get a job, or leave the country. Because of his outspoken opinions, one night, my father barely escaped with his life to Italy. Our country had endured first the tyranny of the Nazis, then the harsh domination of the Communists.

Our family's spirit was saddened, but not broken. Around the world people had endured much worse. One day, while clearing refuse from an attic, I found a copy of America’s “Declaration of Independence.” I began reading Jefferson's writing. Its powerful words, upholding the inalienable rights of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” deeply inspired me and propelled me to live in America, “The Land of the Free.” 

In 1952, at age 20, I arrived in America. Before I was a citizen, I was drafted into the US Army and served with pride. Back in bustling New York, I enjoyed the privileges of countless opportunities and most of all, treasured being a free man. I feel patriotic and proud of my country with all its possibilities, diversity, and challenges. America is ever-evolving in many ways. No one could ever agree on all views, but we can strive towards tolerance and be grateful we have the right to speak out freely. Many do not.

I am now gratified to teach others how to find greater freedom... from diseases of mind and body through the sound and effective natural diet and lifestyle of Macrobiotics. I believe that health is a right for every citizen, a right that begins with education of organic, whole foods. Health truly is life, liberty, and the pursuit of true happiness! – Lino Stanchich 

The inscription on our iconic Liberty Bell in Philadelphia is honored throughout the world for its profound pronouncement of equal justice for all:  

Proclaim LIBERTY Throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants Thereof 


If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent, we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. – George Washington

I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. 
– Thomas Jefferson 

Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.
– Abraham Lincoln

In a composite nation like ours, as before the law, there should be no rich, no poor, no high, no low, no white, no black, but common country, common citizenship, equal rights and a common destiny.  
– Frederick Douglass, Statesman, Author, Former Slave 

I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free... so other people would be also free. – Rosa Parks

There is no room for racism, anti-Semitism, or other forms of ethnic and racial hatred in this country. – Ronald Reagan

When we're free to love anyone we choose 
When this world's big enough for all different views 
When we all can worship from our own kind of pew 
Then we shall be free, yeah 
– Garth Brooks 

An Asheville 4th of July 
Here in Asheville, NC, we have quite a large group of holistic-minded friends. Many of us chose this Blue Ridge Mountain town for its friendly community, health food stores, farmers markets, tailgates, and potlucks with fresh, organic foods. Of course, we revel in the mountain music, hiking, crafts, and art as well. It all feeds us, body and soul. 

Every 4th of July a group of friends gathered in the town center and laid out quilts on the grass to await the nighttime fireworks. Live bands played and we danced to a diverse medley of Bluegrass, Country, and Funk Rock music. 

Then as the sun set, we opened the potluck containers and trays teeming with delicious summertime favorites. Later, as we laid back on the grass, we watched the 4th of July fireworks, as the music of Sousa and Louis Armstrong, and Woody Guthrie filled our souls. We share here a selection of the summertime holiday recipes enjoyed on the 4th.
Recipes for a Healthy, Happy 4th

 Delicious Millet Potato Salad 
 Savory Boston Baked Beans 
 Scrumptious4th of July Cake  
• Almond Tofu Icing with Colorful Berries


Exciting Topics and Recipes in Upcoming Newsletters:  

 Foods for a Healthy Heart 
• Cultivating Joy in Life: Happiness is Healing
• Scrumptious Summertime Recipes 
• Delicious Southern Cornbread 
 Creamy Golden...and Easy Italian Polenta 
• More Great Book Reviews • Give Aways 
• Inspirational Music  •  Gotta Dance! 

International teachers and exciting classes for natural wellness and joy of life.     www.macrobioticsummerconference.com

Go to www.OhsawaMacrobiotics.com (Macrobiotics Today tab) to see the contents of each issue.

As always, we want to thank Leslie Simon for her fine editing and advice and to Debi Athos for her expert skills with computer and graphics. 

Jane and Lino Stanchich, Licensed Nutritionists and Certified Macrobiotic Counselors and Educators, are available for professional personalized counseling for individuals, couples, and families...even pets. We provide expert online dietary educational guidance for disease prevention and weight loss, as well as expert exercise recommendations. A four-page Detailed Dietary and Exercise Guideline, our unique Macrobiotic Beginners Manual, books, sea salt, and personalized phone/internet follow-up support are invaluable keystones of our highly effective individualized counseling programs.
Contact us at 828-299-8657 and www.greatlifeglobal.com 
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Lino and Jane Stanchich (828) 299-8657    Sean DiMaria (803) 319-8407

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