Hello from Jane and Lino!
LATE AUTUMN can be a beautiful time, colorful and crisp. Winter is on its way and we begin to feel the chill. This is a time when we may slow down and reflect upon our lives and loved ones ~ past and present and feel gratitude for so much.
ACCORDING TO TRADITIONAL MEDICINE, this is the season to focus on the wellness and healing of two important partner-organs: Lungs and Large Intestines. Over the centuries, it was discovered that each organ works in tandem with and is deeply influenced by one or more organs.
IN THIS NEWSLETTER, the miraculous LUNGS are our main focus. As ancient people knew and have taught, proper breathing enhances our entire body and deeply nourishes our brain. Breathing deeply has now been proven to greatly relieve the epidemics of anxiety and ADHD.
IN THE FALL our Lungs are at their most vulnerable and are prone to imbalances which makes Fall a time to strengthen these vital organs. In addition, Covid makes creating and maintaining a healthy respiratory tract even more urgent.
WE PROVIDE DRAMATIC TESTIMONIALS of healings from cancer and asthma. Included in this are empowering facts, healthful diet recommendations and beneficial lifestyle practices, breathing methods, energizing exercises, self-massage, and healthy home tips to bring you greater Lung wellness. Forward this newsletter to share with others!
BREATHE EASY with healthier Lungs. Read how they oxygenate your blood, cells, brain, and whole body. Have a vibrant season as we enter the holidays and strive to keep strong through the Winter.
IN THIS NEWSLETTER YOU WILL: • Realize how MODERN LIFE affects our Lungs. • Learn which FOODS to avoid and which to eat for healthier Lungs. • Discover healthy ways to SPICE UP MEALS with pungent foods. • Meet two women who have healed their LUNG CANCER and ASTHMA. • Do effective EXERCISES that are great for the Lungs. • Practice healing and energizing SELF-MASSAGE. • Learn BREATH-WALKING techniques for greater health and vitality. • Cook two delicious RECIPES great for the Lungs and upcoming holidays. • Meet Steve Munn of the Clearpoint Center, CT and winner of TEN TREES. • Enjoy a MUSICAL classic from Eva Cassidy and the London Symphony. |
Our lungs give us a miraculous gift by breathing air and oxygen into our body over 20,000 times each day! That amounts to over 2,000 gallons of air; enough gallons, if water, to almost fill up a normal-sized swimming pool. By the time we are fifty years of age, our lungs will have taken in 400 million breaths. Our body’s autonomic system, another miracle, does this for us. Yet, in this modern age, our lungs are suffering many diseases which affect us physically and emotionally. Lung Cancer is the #1 cause of death worldwide. Other lung disorders are rampant and there is much we can do
Our lungs lie on either side of our heart in the center of our chest. Our left lung is slightly smaller and lighter in weight than the right, as it has an indention in which our left-leaning heart settles. The left lung has two lobes and the larger right lung has three. Air and oxygen enter our nose or mouth, then travel down our trachea into the two bronchial tubes that branch off into our two lungs. All along this passageway, tiny hairs filter out debris, viruses, and pollution as best they can.
These bronchial tubes then branch out into smaller passages called bronchioles, which deliver the air to microscopic air sacs called alveoli, numbering, in both lungs, up to 500 million. Together, our two lungs contain approximately 1,500 miles of these airways, close to the mileage from Chicago to Las Vegas! Within these alveoli, oxygen is absorbed and passed into the blood, while the gas, CO2 (carbon dioxide,) is emitted from the blood through the lungs as waste. We want to keep our sinuses, passageways, and alveoli clean and clear so they can function properly without sticky or clogging matter to obstruct or interfere.
In this newsletter we share invaluable and well researched guidelines for doing just that and creating greater lung wellness. The same dietary and lifestyle recommendations we make for healthier lungs also helps our entire body. In fact, these steps will greatly benefit our community, our country, the animals, forests, rivers, and the entire earth. Many of us are working to help clean our air and make our world more environmentally safe. Let us work to remove toxic foods, farm chemicals, pollutants, and pesticides from our planet, to restore greater purity of the environment …. then we can all breathe easier!
Resulting lung disorders are influenced by:
Air Pollution: Coughing / Wheezing / Sneezing / Asthma / Allergies / Dizziness / Fatigue / Confusion / Anxiety / Mold Animal Foods: Congestion / Allergies / Constipation / Chest-Heart Tightness Sinus Pressure / Breathing Difficulty Processed Foods: Allergies / Poor Digestion / Constipation-Diarrhea / Brain Fog / Addictions / Excess Mucus / Anxiety Pandemic and Isolation: Covid Concerns / Fear / Depression / Fatigue / Insomnia / Disorientation Medications: Innumerable Side-Effects / Addiction-Overdose / Fatigue / Constipation / Anxiety Lack of Exercise: Shortness of Breath / Low Lung Capacity / Congested Lungs / Overweight-Obesity Chemical Exposure and Smoking: Emphysema / COPD / Bronchitis / Shortness of Breath / Weakness / Dizziness / Mold Allergies Mental Illness: Hopelessness / Anxiety / Depression / Suicide
Diets are individual. Menus may be varied for one’s age, condition, climate, profession, activity, ethnic and personal preferences.
We recommend a daily diet of organic, plant-based foods including a wide variety of whole grains, legumes, fresh vegetables, sea vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Essential fermented foods are included daily, including miso, pickles, sauerkraut, ume, and tamari. Theses build healthier lung functions, stronger blood, as they supply and nourish intestinal microbiomes/friendly bacteria.
You are unique. A balanced diet is personalized for your own individual needs. There is no "One Size Fits All" in macrobiotic dietary theory. As you study, you will learn the medicinal benefits of our recommended foods, now validated by highly respected nutritional scientists. These delicious and traditional foods are now readily available and enjoyable to prepare. Many family favorites can be made deliciously with simple substitutions of healthy foods and you can create or discover new "Family Favorites."
• Plan your meals to care for your nutritional needs. • Eat in moderation. • Sit down and relax as you eat. •. Cultivate gratitude for your loved ones, your home, your food, and your life. • Chew your food well for greater digestion, blood sugar balance, and vitality. • Take deep gentle breaths throughout your meal. • Eat at least three meals a day, even if some are smaller, to keep your blood sugar levels optimum. • Carry healthful snacks with you in car or purse. • Keep hydrated throughout the day to promote digestion and boost mood. • Stop eating three hours before bed to achieve deeper sleep. • Be aware of your body’s reactions after eating certain foods. • Reflect on how you feel after eating certain foods. • Keep a FOOD DIARY to help pinpoint possible food reactions.
For advanced, chronic, or serious conditions, consult a health professional as soon as possible. Become informed and stay safe.
The following foods are best to reduce or avoid, especially if you are experiencing discomfort, pain, or illness.
• Dairy Products - from Cows (milk, cheeses, butter, yogurt, ice cream, creamers, etc.) • Other Animal Foods-Meats • Baked Flour: Dry Salty Snacks/ White, Refined Wheat Flour Products • Eggs • Refined Sugars • Chemical Ingredients (non-organic foods) • Tropical Fruits • Alcohol - Excess Fruit Juice • Cold Foods and Beverages • Vegan Milk Products, if you are experiencing any lung disorder.
ALL ORGANIC: 1. Brown Rice / Sweet Brown Rice / Brown Basmati / Wild Rice 2. A Variety of Whole Grains - Seed Grains 3. Miso Soup - one or two bowls daily 4. Legumes / Beans / Bean Products 5. Dark Leafy Greens / At least two meals a day 6. Sweet Vegetables (Onions, Winter Squash, Cabbage, Carrots, Yams, Sweet Potatoes) 7. Root Vegetables 8. Fresh Colorful Salads - Raw, Marinated, Pressed 9. Seeds: Sesame (Gomashio-Sesame Salt) and Pumpkin Seeds 10. Natural, High Pro-biotic Tamari, Ume, Pickles, Sauerkraut 11. Light Seasonings (Pungent): Fresh Ginger Root, Mustard, Cinnamon, Wasabi, Turmeric, etc. 11. Teas: Kukicha (lightly brewed), Ginger, Roasted Brown Rice Tea
Study the many excellent macrobiotic cookbooks available. We have listed a large number in past newsletters.
Lotus Root has a mild flavor and is excellent for the lungs. Dice or grate lotus root in miso soup, julienne slice lotus root in stir fry, cut larger chunks for nishime (root stew), or simmer in tea remedies. Fresh Lotus Root can often be found at Asian markets. Dried lotus root is available to soak and add to soups and sautéed dishes. Lotus Root Powder can be made into a soothing tea for the lungs.
EXERCISES FOR THE LUNGS We recommend a regular daily plan of varied aerobic recreation and exercise, combined with stretching. Find one or more that you find pleasurable, stimulating, and energizing.
(Check with your health professional and exercise instructor for your specific needs and limitations.)
1. Hiking / Walking / Breath-Walking (See instructions below) 2. Qi-Gong (Breath-Movement) 3. Yoga / Pranayama Breathing Techniques / Chair Yoga 4. Rebounding (Mini-Trampoline) 5. Humming and Singing ("Sing a happy song every day!" – Michio Kushi told a US Congressional Committee on Cancer Prevention and to all his students.) 6. Dancing - Slow Fluid Movements to Rocking Out! Zoomba, Nia. 7. Variety of Calisthenics / Pilates / Core Work 8. Pickleball, Tennis, Swimming, Other Sports
Lino studied this ancient healing breathing technique, added it to walking, and shares its benefits to increase oxygenation, lung health, vitality, weight loss, and longevity.
Practice BREATH-WALKING around the house, outdoors, or when you walk anywhere. Make it a point to breathe more deeply and consciously as you walk, exercise, or dance. Breathe through the nose rather than the mouth. Notice how you feel. Lino in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
The word, "Breath" comes from the Latin for "Spirit." Breath Walking is not only an excellent exercise, it is a spiritual practice that helps us connect with Nature, our Inner Spirit, and Universal Energy. As you walk, quiet your mind, feel your body, and appreciate Nature around you. –Lino BREATH-WALKING is stretching and opening the lungs which also need exercising!
1. Plan your walk. Wear supportive walking shoes. Take a water bottle for long walks. 2. Walk with a companion if possible. Carry your cell phone with you. 3. If alone, walk in daylight, in a safe location, preferably outdoors around trees for oxygen. 4. Keep good posture. Look forward. Hold your head up. Chin slightly in. 5. Keep the open palms of your hands slightly facing forward. 6. As you walk, inhale deeply and watch your abdomen fill outward; exhale deeply and pull in your abdomen. This will become more automatic in time. 7. Pace yourself to a enlivened, yet comfortable speed. 8. It is fine to walk at a moderate pace in which you can carry on a conversation. 9. Count your breaths and your steps.
BEGIN: by inhaling 3 steps and exhaling 3 steps.
INCREASE: Inhaling 4 steps and exhaling 4 steps, as you are comfortable.
Adjust your breathing and steps to suit yourself. You may go up to 5 steps or more with each inhale.
In time, after inhaling, try to hold your inhaling breath for 2 or 3 or 4 steps, then exhale. See if you can exhale more than you inhale.
Do not exhaust yourself. No need to jog or run unless it is appropriate and you build up to that.
The time and length of your walk is individual- your choice!
It is recommended to walk for 20 minutes a day. More on some days!
If you are a beginner, build up to that.
Note how you feel during and after your walk. Adjust your breathing and time walking.
Remember... Conscious Breathing is a KEY to good health.
In our extensive Macrobiotic studies, Shiatsu Massage was a main course. We learned the healing art of massaging energy meridians and specific ACCU-POINTS of the body. SELF-MASSAGE, also called Do-In, was also taught daily in morning exercise classes at the KI and GOMF Camps, as well as our seminars. This effective and fun technique gives us the health benefits of ACUPRESSURE and HEALING TOUCH.
In SELF-MASSAGE, we revitalize ourselves by massaging our own bodies as we press and tap ACCU-POINTS from head to feet. SELF MASSAGE stimulates our energy meridians and pathways, as it tonifies our organs.
We recommend studying shiatsu books and meridian illustrations to find points for your needs. Also visiting an acupuncturist or shiatsu therapist for treatments can be highly beneficial. Or follow LINO and ENERGIZE YOURSELF with SELF MASSAGE at home to give your body valuable healing touch. ________
WIN A FREE digital copy of Lino’s ENERGIZE YOURSELF VIDEO! EMAIL US a brief story of a time(s) you studied Do-In Self Massage with Lino Stanchich.
Was it in California? French Meadows? The KI? Florida? The Holistic Holiday at Sea Cruise? New England? Colorado? Arizona? Texas? Washington? Missouri? Italy? Spain? England? Croatia? Switzerland? Portugal? The Caribbean?
Five winners will each receive a free digital copy of Lino’s vibrant, educational, and fun video with special lung and sinus points included.
SEND ENTRIES TO: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Subject Line: My Do-In with Lino _____________________________________
ENERGIZE YOURSELF! Self-Massage is highly beneficial and available any time! Practice at home with your best friend...YOU!
Lino, a Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist, offers a fun, educational DIGITAL DVD of a full body ACUPRESSURE SELF MASSAGE, including FOOT REFLEXOLOGY and LAUGHTER THERAPY, filmed in the colorful mountains of Colorado. Order here:
LISTEN TO THIS BEAUTIFUL BALLAD of memories and longing by the London Symphony ~ with a wonderful singer we lost too soon, Eva Cassidy.
Eva Cassidy and the London Symphony “The Autumn Leaves” >
• Get 30 minutes of fresh air and exercise daily - one hour is better. • Do whole body scrubs daily with hot towels or gentle brushes. • Open your home windows daily to refresh the air. • Keep your home clean and well dusted, including window screens. • Wear natural fiber clothing and avoid chemical dry cleaning. • Use natural fiber bed linens. You breathe atop these all night long. • Keep fresh plants in your home to oxygenate the air. • Open bedroom windows at night, as appropriate, even if a crack. • Avoid excessive heating or air conditioning that dry the air. • Choose solid wood furniture over partial board or glued styles. • Place a few drops eucalyptus essential oil in your bath or shower. • Stop smoking! Avoid second hand smoke. • Switch from toxic yard and home pesticides to non-toxic alternatives. • Avoid household products with chemicals or fragrance: Scented laundry soaps, drier sheets, air fresheners, cleaning supplies, etc. • Avoid personal care/cosmetic products with chemicals. • Purchase and use an air purifier if lung disorders are present. • Reduce heavy curtains and fabrics hanging in the home. • If possible, remove synthetic wall to wall carpeting, which may contain toxins or mold. • Get a professional annual cleaning of home heat and air conditioning ducts. • Have your house inspected for mold. Remediate asap if mold is present.
Pat Shannon is a vibrant person who loves animals, rescuing many dogs and cats through the years. In 2015 she was diagnosed with Stage 3 Lung Cancer that eventually spread to her liver, to Stage 4. Pat was told she had about four months to live. One of our most conscientious students, Pat followed the macrobiotic diet and used a special tea. Two years later, medical diagnostic tests showed that there was no evidence of cancer. Read Pat's dramatic story > Anne Shaw, our dear, long-time friend, shares her dramatic story of her search to heal breast cysts. While in Brazil, Anne adopted the macrobiotic diet and dedicatedly studied macrobiotic cooking. In the process, she recovered also from decades of debilitating asthma! Anne is one of the best cooks we know and has mastered languages and Feng Shui to high levels. Read Anne's inspiring story >
The most healing taste for the lungs is pungent (slightly spicy.) Eating a moderate amount of pungent foods, (onions, scallions, raw daikon, raw red radish, ginger, garlic, wasabi, and certain peppers, with mild spices such as cinnamon and cloves) can often bring about a beneficial lung cleanse.You know how it is when you eat spicy foods, then you have to clear your throat or blow your nose?
These pungent foods stimulate the respiratory system to help cleanse itself of excess mucus and phlegm. These may congest, obstruct, harbor toxins, and accumulate excessively throughout the body. Foods that stimulate respiratory mucus discharge are called “expectorants” and can be favorable for lung health.
Mucus is a natural and quite beneficial secretion that protects and lubricates our respiratory tract and other body systems. We have beneficial respiratory mucus in the lining our nasal passages, mouth, throat, sinuses and other areas. A build up of undesirable mucus causing coughs, sneezing, runny noses, and impacted sinuses can be precipitated by foods.
A common food that produces excess, congesting mucus and phlegm is DAIRY FOOD (cow’s milk products.) We recommend a dairy-free diet for this reason, as well as for animal compassion and environmental concerns. Realizing that dairy is a beloved food and is often challenging to eliminate, the good news is that these days it is easy to find many organic vegan substitutes for cow’s milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, and other dairy foods.
Eliminate any food that is a suspected allergen for you. Next, eat a healthy plant-based diet including foods that act as natural expectorants and loosen up excess mucus. Go easy. Take time to add small amounts of pungent foods into your dishes. Begin with some of the gentle pungent vegetable foods such as onions, scallions, raw daikon radish, ginger, and mustard. Michio Kushi recommended occasional horseradish for the lungs. You may want to add some pungent garlic from time to time. Avoid the hot spices like chili, curries, and cayenne if you are ill, do not enjoy them, or they give you discomfort. Newcomers should go easy on the amount of hot-pungent foods they eat.
Some people like spicy foods. Some do not like them. You know what you prefer. There is no need to eat hot spices if they do not suit you. In our home, we always add a garnish to our miso soup, and very often use minced raw scallions. With Lino’s Italian roots, we occasionally cook with garlic and enjoy it. We cook with all the pungent vegetables, as well as ginger, cinnamon, and turmeric. We occasionally use mustard, wasabi, pepper, chili or curry in ethnic foods. If you have a lung disorder, it is better to eat the fresh pungent vegetables and avoid hot spices. The “spicy folks” can always add hot seasonings to their own dish at the table. Some like it hot - and some do not! Find your own cooking balance and greater lung wellness!
FRENCH ONION SOUP What is more soothing and scrumptious on a cool Autumn evening than a bowl of hot French Onion Soup? It is one of our favorites. This recipe, with pungent onions, creates a delicious, healthy, and beautiful soup that is perfect for a family meal or an elegant holiday dinner.
HOLIDAY BROWN RICE Brown rice is considered the healthiest grain for the Lungs. Because the most important element for human life is oxygen, the Lungs are worthy of great respect and care. Well cooked brown rice is highly satisfying and nutritious. Prepared in this special holiday version, it is sure to be an even extra delight.
It is fun and so delicious! People love it! And all the turkeys will love you for it!
The whole family will delight in this large, yummy centerpiece of your holiday table.
It feeds up to 20 people or can provide lots of scrumptious leftovers if fewer.
After you order, Jane will email gravy and stuffing instructions. Below are options for the video and Jane’s wonderful holiday cookbook.
DVD: Contact: ljstanchich@mindspring.com or 828-299-8657
Cook Delicious Soups, Mushroom Gravy, Stuffing, Colorful Veggies, Cranberry Sauce, Desserts and much more!)
Steven Munn is already a winner! This uniquely kind and knowledgeable father and wellness counselor presents dynamic and transformative programs at the Clearpoint Center in Stafford Springs, CT, where Steve lives with his amazing wife and two adorable children.
Two years ago, we were privileged to spend several days teaching at Clearpoint where we reveled in the friendly community, the natural beauty and the family’s exuberance and joy of life. Contact them for a healing retreat. Shannon is a very talented painter and cook! Here is Steve’s winning essay entitled, TREES AND ME, the story with which he won our hearts (fellow tree huggers!) and 10 free trees from Arbor Day. Thank you to all who entered the contest!
Steven Munn
One year ago my wife Shannon and I took a one day workshop on recreational tree climbing. It is said that the least explored terrain on earth is the tree canopy. We learned how to tie knots, use the proper equipment and to engage with non-invasive ways of climbing that offer no harm and are extremely safe. It was a delightful day to spend with trees, for nothing other than to enjoy their majesty and the autumn colors from a new perspective.
My favorite part was throwing and setting the rope with the proper knots. I found this challenging at first and working with knots felt like an amazing brain workout.
The tree represents life to me, when I look into a canopy I see a neural network of vast intelligence. What you see above is also happening below the surface. A tree’s crown is the same size as the root network below. The largest trees on earth are the Giant Sequoia in Northern California. They grow so tall, not through having their roots deep into the earth but through reaching out and grabbing hold of other root systems. They literally join hands and form a family.
We can learn so much from trees. One of my favorite Ted Talks is by forest ecologist Suzanne Simard who offers a captivating presentation on how trees talk and communicate with each other, it’s done through a vast underground network.
If humanity could only model the way we set up our society based on the intelligence of the forest, the better we’ll be for it. After all they figured it out!
I’ve also become a tree hugger. When the winter comes, it’s not always easy or comfortable to touch or lie down upon the earth. What I do is wrap my arms around a tree, place my face, belly and head upon it’s trunk and breathe. I then rub my hands along the rough and soft textures. It feels good and offers a unique way to get grounded. I always feel better for it, and maybe the tree enjoys it too!
That’s Trees and Me. – Steve Munn
LEARN ABOUT Steve Munn, his family, his expertise, multiple certifications, philosophy, and skills on the WEBSITE/VIDEO FOR STEVE MUNN and CLEARPOINT CENTER > https://stevemunn.com
• THE MACROBIOTIC PATH TO TOTAL HEALTH by Michio Kushi and Alex Jack • BREATH: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor This journalist presents, in his NY Times best seller, the science of breathing, as well as the importance of chewing! He blames industrialized foods for breathing problems and crooked teeth. • THE BOOK OF DO-IN and BOOK OF SHIATSU by Michio Kushi • MICHAEL ROSSOFF, L. AC. and Macrobiotic Counselor. Videos, Webinars, (LUNG HEALTH) and Seminars: www.michaelrossoff.com • BLUE ZONES by Dan Buettner A must-read for anyone who wishes to live a long, healthy life by National Geographic Explorer and worldwide researcher who studied the longest lived people in the world. Again simple living including whole plant-based foods, physical activity, sense of community, and healthy habits are proven to bring longevity and greater joy of life. • PEACE IS EVERY BREATH, Thich Nhat Hanh • UNDO IT! How Simple Lifestyle Changes Reverse Most Chronic Diseases by DEAN ORNISH, MD Like most physicians, I was trained to view heart disease, diabetes, prostate cancer, and other chronic illnesses as being fundamentally different from each other. Different diagnoses, different diseases, different treatments. But they’re really not as different as they seem because they share many common origins and pathways. In short, EAT WELL, MOVE MORE, STRESS LESS, LOVE MORE! – Dean Ornish, MD • THE TAO OF NATURAL BREATHING, Dennis Lewis • KARIN STEPHEN: STUDIO AND ONLINE IYENGAR YOGA CLASSES, VACATIONS with Macrobiotic Meals: http://www.yogamacro.com/iyengar_classes/niyengar_classes.htm • LILAH SCHWARTZ: ONLINE IYENGAR YOGA CLASSES, FREE SEMINARS ON BACK CARE, AND CEU CERTIFICATION COURSES: https://yogawithlillah.com • THE CHINA STUDY by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. The epic book detailing the largest and most comprehensive epidemiological study ever conducted. Researched and written by America’s preeminent nutritionist irrefutably proves that a simple, plant-based diet prevents fatal diseases.
READ AND FORWARD our newsletters containing numerous references to excellent books, magazines articles, websites, and educational opportunities. http://www.greatlifeglobal.com/resources/newsletters.html
SPECIAL THANKS As always, we want to thank Leslie Simon for her fine editing and advice and to Debi Athos for her expert skills and artistry with computer graphics.
Each issue may be forwarded to family and friends by simply using the forward icon. Share empowering articles and inspiration! Go back and read newsletters you may have missed. They are there for you. Read these transformative articles, vital information, humorous anecdotes, wise quotes, videos, and her upbeat, lively music. Each of our newsletters is also archived on our website:http://www.greatlifeglobal.com/resources/newsletters.html
GREAT LIFE GLOBAL Jane and Lino Stanchich, Licensed Nutritionists and Certified Macrobiotic Counselors and Educators, are available for professional, personalized counseling for individuals, couples, and families...even pets. We provide expert online dietary educational guidance for disease prevention and weight loss, as well as revitalizing exercise recommendations. A four-page Detailed Dietary and Exercise Guideline, our unique Macrobiotic Beginners Manual, books, sea salt, and personalized phone/internet follow-up support are invaluable keystones of our highly effective individualized counseling programs. Contact us at 828-299-8657 and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |