Sweet Vegetable Drink Good for stabilizing blood sugar, reducing craving of sweets, and relaxing the body and muscles. Finely mince 1/2 cup each of carrot, onion, cabbage, and sweet winter squash. Place in pot with six cups water. Do not add salt. Bring to boil, lower the flame, and simmer for twenty minutes. Strain the vegetables from the broth. Drink the broth warm or room temperature. Drink one cup between 3:00 pm-5:00 pm; or 1/3 cup one half hour before each meal. Keep extra in the refrigerator for up to three days and warm slightly before drinking.
Leafy Green Drink Good to reduce irritability, impatience, anger, and eases PMS. It cools and calms the blood, body, and emotions, cleanses the liver, dissolves deposits of fats and protein, and provides an excellent source of calcium. Wash three leaves of a leafy green vegetable. Finely mince the stem and the leaves, keeping separate. Place stems in a pot with 1 cup of water. Bring to boil, add the greens. Simmer for one minute. You may drink as is, or add either a dash of umeboshi vinegar or the juice of half a lemon, or both. Drink warm or room temperature. Make only enough for one drink.
Ume-Bancha Tea Drink one half cup to improve the function of the liver and aid heartburn and digestion. Place one cup of bancha tea in a small pot. Add 1/4 teaspoon umeboshi plum; bring to a boil and simmer one minute. Drink warm.
Shoyu-Bancha Tea Drink as recommended. Increases energy and balances excess consumption of fruits, juices, and sweets, or acid-forming foods. Place one cup of bancha tea in a small pot; add 1/4 teaspoon shoyu (high quality soy sauce or tamari); bring to boil and simmer five minutes.
Kuzu Tea Excellent for improving digestion, soothing an upset stomach, easing diarrhea, colds and flu-like symptoms, and increasing general vitality. Place one cup of uncooked water and two teaspoons of kuzu in a pot, stir well to dissolve kuzu. Bring to a low boil, stirring constantly until liquid goes from white to transparent. Stir in 1/2 teaspoon umeboshi plum and 1/4 teaspoon shoyu (high quality soy sauce or tamari ). Cook for three minutes. Drink warm.